
Development Environment Setup

To set up an environment for developing the py-pal module, the requirements mentioned in the section Installation must be met. Then

  1. Clone this repository locally with git

  2. Navigate to the cloned repository

  3. Create a virtual environment

    python -m venv .venv

  4. Activate the virtual environment

    On Microsoft Windows run: .venv\Scripts\activate.bat On Linux run: source venv/bin/activate

  5. Install the dependencies for the development environment

    pip install -r dev-requirements.txt


    python -m pip install -r dev-requirements

Building the py-pal module

python develop

With this command, the C extensions are compiled using Cython. Also, it packages all necessary files together and installs them in the current virtual environment.

Note, any change to a cython file (.pyx) requires recompilation, i.e. the above command must be executed again.

Attention, if it is not possible to install Cython by this command, the cython files (.pyx) are not taken into account. This results in the circumstance that the corresponding C/C++ files are not generated and thus, the old C/C++ files get used to build the C extensions. Directly speaking, changes to the cython files will have no effect because they are not processed!


The test execution is managed with pytest, read more about selecting specific tests and general usage here.

Run all regular and Cython tests together from the command line


Run all regular tests from the command line

pytest tests

Run all Cython tests from the command line

pytest tests_cython

Run a single test from tests/ with plotting enabled. This will generate plots similar to running py-pal from the command line with the -p/–plot flag. The files are placed in the specified folder.



pytest tests\


Logging can be helpful for understanding and debugging the py-pal module. py-pal supports logging and the different verbosity levels. The default log level is logging.WARNING.

To run py-pal with increased verbosity execute

py-pal <target> –log-level=info

py-pal <target> –log-level=debug

During testing you can configure the general logging level using the set_log_level function from py_pal.util

import logging
from py_pal.util import set_log_level


It is also possible to configure different logging levels per module with

import logging
from py_pal.data_collection import proxy
