Source code for py_pal.analysis.complexity

"""Definition of complexity classes."""
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter

import numpy as np

from py_pal.util import setup_logging

logger = setup_logging(__name__)

[docs]class NotFittedError(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnderDeterminedEquation(Exception): pass
[docs]class Complexity: """Abstract class that fits complexity classes to timing data.""" def __init__(self): # list of parameters of the fitted function class as returned by the # last square method np.linalg.lstsq self.coeff = None
[docs] def fit(self, n: np.ndarray, t: np.ndarray) -> float: """Fit complexity class parameters to timing data. Arguments: n (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array of values of N for which execution time has been measured. t (:class:`numpy.ndarray`): Array of execution times for each N in seconds. Returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray`: Residuals, sum of square errors of fit """ logger.debug(f"x-axis (argument proxy value):\n{n}") logger.debug(f"y-axis (aggregated opcodes):\n{t}") with catch_warnings(): simplefilter("ignore") x = self.transform_n(n) y = self.transform_y(t) logger.debug(f"x-axis (transformed):\n{x}") logger.debug(f"y-axis (transformed):\n{y}") x = np.nan_to_num(x) y = np.nan_to_num(y) logger.debug(f"x-axis (NaN and infinite values replaced):\n{x}") logger.debug(f"y-axis (NaN and infinite values replaced):\n{y}") coeff, residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(x, y, rcond=-1) if len(residuals) == 0: raise UnderDeterminedEquation("Missing residuals") self.coeff = coeff return residuals[0]
[docs] def compute(self, n: np.ndarray) -> float: """Compute the value of the fitted function at `n`. """ if self.coeff is None: raise NotFittedError() # Result is linear combination of the terms with the fitted coefficients x = self.transform_n(n) tot = 0 for i in range(len(self.coeff)): tot += self.coeff[i] * x[:, i] return tot
def __str__(self): prefix = '{}: '.format(self.__class__.__name__) if self.coeff is None: return prefix + ': not yet fitted' return prefix + self.format_str().format(*tuple(self.coeff)) # --- abstract methods
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): """Return a string describing the fitted function. The string must contain one formatting argument for each coefficient. """ return 'FORMAT STRING NOT DEFINED'
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): """Terms of the linear combination defining the complexity class. Output format: number of Ns x number of coefficients. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def transform_y(self, t: np.ndarray): """Transform time as needed for fitting. (e.g., t->log(t)) for exponential class.""" return t
def __gt__(self, other): if self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.coeff is not None and other.coeff is not None: return self.coeff[-1] > other.coeff[-1] return ALL_CLASSES.index(self.__class__) > ALL_CLASSES.index(other.__class__)
# --- Concrete implementations of the most popular complexity classes
[docs]class Constant(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.ones((len(n), 1))
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G}'
[docs]class Linear(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), n]).T
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} + {:.2G}*n'
[docs]class Quadratic(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), n * n]).T
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} + {:.2G}*n^2'
[docs]class Cubic(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), n ** 3]).T
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} + {:.2G}*n^3'
[docs]class Logarithmic(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), np.log(n)]).T
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} + {:.2G}*log(n)'
[docs]class Linearithmic(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), n * np.log(n)]).T
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} + {:.2G}*n*log(n)'
[docs]class Polynomial(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), np.log(n)]).T
[docs] def transform_y(self, t: np.ndarray): return np.log(t)
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} * x^{:.2G}'
[docs]class Exponential(Complexity):
[docs] def transform_n(self, n: np.ndarray): return np.vstack([np.ones(len(n)), n]).T
[docs] def transform_y(self, t: np.ndarray): return np.log(t)
[docs] @classmethod def format_str(cls): return '= {:.2G} * {:.2G}^n'
ALL_CLASSES = [Constant, Logarithmic, Linear, Linearithmic, Quadratic, Cubic, Polynomial, Exponential]