Source code for py_pal.datagen

import random
import string
from random import sample
from typing import List, Any

import networkx
from networkx import to_dict_of_lists, fast_gnp_random_graph, path_graph

[docs]class KeySelectionType: MIDDLE = 'middle' LAST = 'last' NOT_INCLUDED = 'not included' RANDOM = 'random'
[docs]def n_(n: int) -> int: """Return N.""" return n
[docs]def range_n(n: int, start: int = 0) -> List[int]: """Return the sequence [start, start+1, ..., start+N-1].""" return list(range(start, start + n))
[docs]def integers(n: int, _min: int, _max: int) -> List[int]: """Return sequence of N random integers between _min and _max (included).""" return [random.randint(_min, _max) for _ in range(n)]
[docs]def large_integers(n: int) -> List[int]: """Return sequence of N large random integers.""" return [random.randint(-50, 50) * 1000000 + random.randint(0, 10000) for _ in range(n)]
[docs]def strings(n: int, chars=string.ascii_letters) -> str: """Return random string of N characters, sampled at random from `chars`.""" return ''.join([random.choice(chars) for _ in range(n)])
[docs]def gen_growing_ints(_range=range(10, 100, 10)): """Return lists of argument ints with increasing value.""" return [[i] for i in _range]
[docs]def args_re_growing_strings(expression, _range=range(10, 1000, 100), chars=string.ascii_letters) -> List[List[str]]: """Return lists of argument regular expression and strings with increasing length.""" return [[expression, strings(i, chars=chars)] for i in _range]
[docs]def args_growing_lists(interval=range(-10000, 10000), _range=range(10, 100, 10), sort=False) -> List[List[Any]]: """Return lists of arguments lists of random ints with increasing length.""" return [[sample(interval, i) if not sort else list(sorted(sample(interval, i)))] for i in _range]
[docs]def args_growing_lists_with_search_key(interval=range(-10000, 10000), _range=range(10, 100, 10), sort=False, key=KeySelectionType.NOT_INCLUDED): """Return lists of arguments lists of random ints with increasing length and a search key.""" return [[*gen_search_args(interval, i, key=key, sort=sort)] for i in _range]
[docs]def args_growing_graphs(_range=range(2, 20, 2), directed=True, p=0.5) -> List[List[dict]]: """Return list of arguments of random graphs with increasing amount of nodes.""" return [[to_dict_of_lists(fast_gnp_random_graph(n, p, directed=directed))] for n in _range]
[docs]def args_growing_graphs_with_source(_range=range(2, 20, 2)) -> List[List[networkx.Graph]]: """Return list of arguments of path graphs with increasing amount of nodes and the first node as source node.""" return [[path_graph(n), 0] for n in _range]
[docs]def gen_search_args(interval, length, sort, key): random_list = sample(interval, length) if sort: random_list.sort() if key == KeySelectionType.LAST: return random_list, random_list[-1] if key == KeySelectionType.NOT_INCLUDED: return random_list, max(random_list) + 1 if key == KeySelectionType.RANDOM: return random_list, random.choice(random_list) if key == KeySelectionType.MIDDLE: return random_list, random_list[len(random_list) // 2]